Πέμπτη 14 Ιουνίου 2012

Η αγάπη μιας μητέρας

Give your mom a hug, pony wants piggyback ride from mom

Meerkat momma snuggles her baby
Meerkat momma snuggles her baby. “Youth fades; love droops,
 the leaves of friendship fall; A mother’s secret hope outlives them all,” ~ quote by
Oliver Wendell Holmes. Photo #2 by rofanator
Whether you are an only child or a triplet polar bear cub, there's no one like mom
Whether you are an only child or a triplet polar bear cub, there’s no one like mom. 
“Mother love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible,”
 ~ quote by Marion C. Garretty. Photo #3 by Goldy Lady
Emperor penguin telling her chick a secret
“I want my children to have all the things I couldn’t afford. Then I 
want to move in with them,” ~ quote by Phyllis Diller. ;-) Photo #4 by Martha de Jong-Lantink
Amur tiger cub with its mother
Siberian (Amur) tigers, cub with its mother. “When love is gone, there’s
 always justice. And when justice is gone, there’s always force. 
And when force is gone, there’s always Mom. Hi, Mom!” ~ quote by Laurie Anderson. Photo #5 by Dave Pape
Always with mom -- A golden-headed lion tamarin mother with her baby on her back
Always with mom — A golden-headed lion tamarin mother with her baby on her back.
 “The best medicine in the world is a mother’s kiss,” ~ quote by unknown author. Photo #6 by Tambako the Jaguar
Mother cat holding her kitten because a hug is worth a thousand words
Mother cat holding her kitten because a hug is worth a thousand words. 
“When you were small and just a touch away, I covered you with blankets against 
the cold night air. But now that you are tall and out of reach, I fold my hands and cover
 you with prayer,” ~ quote by Dona Maddux Cooper. Photo #7 by a_codepoet
Baby lemur hitching a ride with mom
Baby lemur hitching a ride with mom. “God sees us through our Mother’s 
eyes and rewards us for our virtues,” ~ quote by Ganeshan Venkatarman. Photo #8 by Jill Mitchell
Mother and playful gray seal pup taken from the viewing area for the dune colony at Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust UK
Mother and playful gray seal pup taken from the viewing area for the dune colony
 at Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust UK. “Who ran to help me when I fell, Or kissed
 the place to make it well?…My mother,” ~ quote by Ann Taylor. Photo #9 by Donna Nook
A mother's touch -- pat-a-cake with baby
A mother’s touch — pat-a-cake with baby. “Mothers hold their children’s 
hands for a short while, but their hearts forever,” ~ author unknown. Photo #10 by Eric Heupel
Prairie dogs loving on mom
Prairie dogs loving on mom. “God could not be everywhere and therefore
 he made mothers,” ~ a Jewish proverb. Photo #11 by Desktop Nexus
Mother orangutan cuddling her infant
Mother orangutan cuddling her infant. “Your arms were always open when I needed a hug. 
Your heart understood when I needed a friend. Your gentle eyes were stern when I needed a lesson. 
 Your strength and love has guided me and gave me wings to fly,” ~ quote by Sarah Malin.
Mom keeping her babies clean can be a full time job, panther mom and cubs
Moms know that keeping babies clean can be a full time job. “All mothers are working 
mothers,” ~ quote by unknown author. Photo #13 by Desktop Nexus
Momma bear teaching baby bear about first bath
Momma bear teaching baby bear about a first bath. “Never say anything on the 
phone that you wouldn’t want your mother to hear at your trial,” ~ quote by Sydney
 Biddle Barrows. Photo #14 by Desktop Nexus
Sea Otter holding her baby as seen near Target Rock in the Morro Bay harbor, CA
Sea Otter holding her baby as seen near Target Rock in the Morro Bay harbor, CA.
 “To a child’s ear, ‘mother’ is magic in any language,” ~ Arlene Benedict. Photo #15 by Mike Baird
Mom and baby giraffes -- A Mother's Love
Mom and baby giraffes — A Mother’s Love. “Most of all the other beautiful things in life 
come by twos and threes by dozens and hundreds. Plenty of roses, stars, sunsets, rainbows,
 brothers, and sisters, aunts and cousins, but only one mother in the whole world,” ~ 
quote by Kate Douglas Wiggin. Photo #16 by Duncan McKinnon
Lion Cub with Mother in the Serengeti, Tanzania
Lion Cub with Mother in the Serengeti, Tanzania, as seen during an animal safari.
 “A mother understands what a child does not say,” ~ a Jewish proverb. Photo #17 by David Dennis
An Eastern Grey Kangaroo joey suckles from inside its mother's pouch as the mother shows her affection. This family was located in Murramarang National Park, Australia
An Eastern Grey Kangaroo joey suckles from inside its mother’s pouch as the mother
 shows her affection. “If you have a mom, there is nowhere you are likely to go where 
a prayer has not already been,” ~ quote by Robert Brault. Photo #18 by Durova
Mother Pygmy Hippopotamus teaching her baby the basics of hungry, hungry hippo
Mother Pygmy Hippopotamus teaching her baby the basics of hungry, hungry hippo.
 “Each day of our lives we make deposits in the memory banks of our children,” ~
 quote by Charles R. Swindoll. Photo #19 by rokyubu
Monkey mother comforting her curious baby
Monkey mother comforting her curious baby. “When you are a mother, you are never really
 alone in your thoughts. A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her 
child,” ~ quote by Sophia Loren. Photo #20 by Yogendra Joshi
Tender moment between elephant seal cow and pup
The photographer noted, “Elephant seal cow and pup recognize each other by sound. 
The mother and pup bond face to face – even face in face – with the mother making a very
 lovely sound, the pup sounding much like any new baby. Mothers nurse their pups for about
 four weeks during which time it grows from about 70 pounds (30 kilograms) to over 
300 pounds (135 kilograms).” An unknown author said, “A mother’s heart is a patchwork 
Baboon mother carrying her child in Kenya
Baboon mother carrying her child in Kenya. “Mother is the bank where we deposit all
 our hurts and worries,” ~ quote by unknown author. Photo #22 by Al Peabody
Mother squirrel holding her baby
Mother squirrel holding her baby. “The moment a child is born, the mother is
 also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. 
A mother is something absolutely new,” ~ quote by Rajneesh. Photo #23 by Margrit
Momma and Baby Koala Bears
Momma and Baby Koala Bears. The baby emerged from mother’s pounch to
 stare back at the crowds staring at them. “A mom’s hug lasts long after she lets go,” ~ 
Brutus the North Pole Wolf -- Mother carries errant pup back to den
Brutus the North Pole Wolf — Mother carries errant pup back to den. “All
 of us have moments in our lives that test our courage. Taking children into 
a house with a white carpet is one of them,” ~ quote by Erma Bombeck. Photo #25 by David Mech / USGS
Mother cheetah licking her cub clean
Mother cheetah licking her cub clean. “A mother’s love is instinctual, unconditional,
 and forever,” ~ author unknown. Photo #26 by Desktop Nexus
American Bison calf was using its mother as a scratching post in Hayden Valley, Yellowstone National Park
American Bison calf was using its mother as a scratching post in Hayden Valley, Yellowstone 
National Park. And, yes even female buffalo have horns. “A man loves his sweetheart
 the most, his wife the best, but his mother the longest,” ~ an Irish proverb. Photo #27 by Dan Dzurisin
Rhino moma and baby snuggling
Rhino moma and baby snuggling. Moms know: “A moment in my tummy…
 a lifetime in my heart.” Photo #28 by Desktop Nexus
Zebra baby giving mom a kiss
Zebra baby giving mom a kiss. “Some mothers are kissing mothers and some are scolding mothers,
 but it is love just the same, and most mothers kiss and scold together,” ~ quote

Swan with little baby swan (cygnet) on her back
Swan with little baby swan (cygnet) on her back, telling her mom that ‘they’ called her an ugly 
duckling. Mom assured her baby that one day ‘they’ would call her a beautiful swan.
 “There is only one pretty child in the world, and every mother has it,” ~
 a Chinese Proverb. Photo #30 by L.C. Nøttaasen

I love you Mom
I love you, Mom. “A mother’s happiness is like a beacon, lighting up the future but reflected also 
on the past in the guise of fond memories,” ~ quote by Honore de Balzac. Photo #31 by Tambako the Jaguar
Three-Way Tussle, red panda boy cubs playing and pouncing on mom
Three-way tussle, red panda boy cubs playing and pouncing on mom. 
“My mother had a great deal of trouble with me, but I think she enjoyed it,” ~
 Mark Twain quote. Photo #32 by Maia C
Mother and Cub giant pandas at Wolong National Nature Preserve
This mother and cub pair is at Wolong National Nature Preserve,
 a part of the Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries. “Sweater, n.: garment worn by child when its
mother is feeling chilly,” ~ quote by Ambrose Bierce. Photo #33 by rad studio
Tender moment between mother and cub snow leopards snuggling in their cave
Tender moment between mother and cub snow leopards snuggling in their cave. 
“The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness,”
 ~ quote by Honore’ de Balzac. Photo #34 by Tambako the Jaguar
mother and cub leopards reunited in Africa
Mother and cub leopards reunited in Africa. “Mothers of teenagers know why animals eat 
their young,” ~ by unknown. Photo #35 by petecheslock
Mom and baby elephants holding 'hands' or trunks
Mom and baby elephants holding ‘hands’ or trunks. “Mother, the ribbons of your love are 
woven around my heart,” ~ author unknown. Photo #36 by wix
Monkey mother holding her napping child in Myanmar, Burma
Monkey mother holding her napping child in Myanmar, Burma. “A mother’s arms
 are made of tenderness and children sleep soundly in them,” ~ quote by Victor Hugo. Photo #37 by Taro Taylor
Puma and her nursing cub in the Atlantic Rainforest
Puma and her nursing cub in the Atlantic Rainforest. “One of the oldest human needs
 is having someone to wonder where you are when you don’t come home at night,” ~ quote
Eurasian lynx mother cleaning her kitten
Eurasian lynx mother cleaning her kitten. “I remember my mother’s prayers and 
they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life,” ~ quote 
polar bear snuggle love
Polar bear cubs remain with their mother for about 2 1/2 years. Most of us stay 
 longer than a few years with our moms, but always remember, “To the world you
 might just be one person, but to one person (your mom) you might just be the world.”

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